Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wrapping up 2010, preparing 2011

2010 Summary

2010 was an interesting year for me professionally. Inspired by similar lists online, I present what I did (or can remember at least):
  1. Left Compuware and joined my partner Steven at Milstein and Associates inc. end-of-January, to focus 150% of my time on AnotherSocialEconomy (formely known as Twetailer).
  2. Adapted the Amazon Flexible Payment Service (FPS) library to the App Engine environment—freely available on github.
  3. Refactored the communication layer to be able to send details e-mails to customers, in addition to short ones sent over Twitter and Instant Messaging services.
  4. Built the first Web consoles for Golf players and Golf courses staff, based on Dojo and using the freshly delivered REST API—check
  5. Built the first Android application for Golf players using their GPS & Address book to ease the tee-off booking process with AnotherSocialEconomy—freely available on github.
  6. Helped preparing pitches to Golf Canada representatives and to Golf staff members and owners.
  7. Developed the AnotherSocialEconomy widget, ready to be embedded in participant websites and loading the AnotherSocialEconomy wizard on demand
  8. Reviewed the book Google App Engine Java and GWT Application Development.
  9. Continued to develop my open-sourced library offering tools for globalizable generic resource bundles (TMX)—on github too.
  10. Developed a prototype of a Facebook application.
  11. Augmented the AnotherSocialEconomy engine to support the used car dealers: buyers don't buy immediately, but collect car information and offers for a while before committing with one dealer => the engine work flow has been adapted to support this slower path of interaction.
  12. Attended presentations to few car dealerlship owners.
  13. Attended meetings with various mentors and potential investors.
  14. Attended meetings of Montreal NewTech, Android Montreal, Augmented Reality Montreal communities

I’m pretty happy with what I have done so far and am looking forward to doing even more.

New technologies

It was also fun to play around some hot new technologies:
  • Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10
  • Android 2.2 and push mechanism on my HTC Desire
  • App Engine 1.4.0 and channel api
  • Node.js and WebSockets

2011 Goals and Plans

2011 is going to be critical for AnotherSocialEconomy. The application runs and passed usability tests. The focus point is now on the business development!
  1. Concentrate on one domain (used car market) and get a significant traffic in the Montreal area.
  2. Gather customer feedback (consumer looking for second hand cars and used car dealers), tune the system, and increase traffic. Repeat until 100% satisfaction ;)
  3. Once the system is proven by the traffic and testimonies, involve investors and/or partners to 1) expand the business to other areas or 2) to target another domain or 3) both expand geographically and vertically.
  4. Develop data mining tools for retailers.
  5. Develop domain oriented interfaces for consumers (Web/HTML5 for tablets and PC, native apps for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry).
  6. Add more communication channels (like voice messages with Twilio, for example).
  7. Offer my services as Software Architect & Developer consultant on designing & developing highly scalable and highly available applications on Google App Engine and mobile applications on Android.
A+, Dom

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